Musée Unterlinden

Corpus Baselitz 10.06. - 04.11.2018

Musée Unterlinden has an international reputation, especially for its world-famous Isenheim altar by Matthias Grünewald and the collection of paintings and sculptures from the late Middle Ages. The monastery was founded in Colmar in 1232 and in 2015 the exhibition space for contemporary art was extended by the architects Herzog de Meuron. It is the second most visited museum in France.

In response to the 80th birthday of Georg Baselitz, the Musée Unterlinden felt it was only right to pay an emphatic tribute to one of the greatest exponents of German art, an artist maintaining the legacy of Grünewald. Corpus Baselitz is the first exhibition in a French museum showing a new body of 70 works (paintings, drawings and sculptures) produced between 2014 and 2018, in which the artist examines his own body, and through it, his place in the history of art.


Work on loan from Warwick Collection: Einer sieht dies, der andere jenes (2016), Georg Baselitz