Sprengel Museum Hannover

Bäume 13.06.-18.10.2020

Although the combination of two such different artistic temperaments as Albert Oehlen and Carroll Dunham may at first seem surprising, the two are astonishingly close in their treatment of trees as a problem and theme in painting.

Work on loan from Warwick Collection (left): Untitled (2017), Albert Oehlen

Work on loan from Warwick Collection (left): Untitled (2017), Albert Oehlen

Sprengel Albert Oehlen Carroll Dunham 1.jpg
Sprengel Albert Oehlen 1.jpg
Work on loan from Warwick Collection (left): Untitled (2017), Albert Oehlen

Work on loan from Warwick Collection (left): Untitled (2017), Albert Oehlen